One of the biggest drivers of behavioural changes is a new life event. Historically, brands have targeted young people because the majority of life’s most defining moments took place before the age of 35.

Targeting by age is still the accepted practice across many advertising categories. However, the fundamental shifts in media consumption and trading, combined with the fact that people are living longer and experience more and different life changes, targeting by a traditional demographic approach is no longer effective when the goal is serving relevant advertising and personalisation of experiences at scale.

Zenith advocates rethinking targeting to take a ‘perennial’ approach – a term first coined by marketing guru Gina Pell – shifting focus from a consumer’s age in favour of mindset, behavioural change and disposable income.

This thought leadership piece discusses the elements of this new world of mass personalisation, including behavioural targeting, the new life stages, disposable income, and attitude and mindset.


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