Zenith has been highlighted in a feature by Business Insider about how media agencies are evolving their business models to embrace new growth areas such as consulting, business intelligence and digital transformation.

Zenith was noted as one of the leading agencies in this area, calling out Zenith’s Growth Audit consultancy process and its Artificial Intelligence work for Coty in building the Fragrance Finder production recommendation engine. Zenith also told Business Insider about its growing capabilities in digital transformation.

Vittorio Bonori, Global Brand President, Zenith told Business Insider: “Our business has to move more upstream in a more consultative space for the simple reason that clients are facing the risk of disintermediation.” He went on to say: “This system forces both clients and agencies to focus on the business”.



You can read the full piece here: https://www.businessinsider.com/media-agency-strategy-fighting-back-against-model-and-profit-margin-threats-2018-9

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